男同 做爱
The next time you find yourself sighing in annoyance at your colleagues' inability to munch their crisps quietly, take solace in the fact that this could mean you are a genius. 下次再为共事嚼薯片声息太大而热闹欷歔时,你不错这么安危我方:事实上,这意味着你可能是个天才。
A new study from Northwestern University suggests that the inability to filter out competing sensory information is a common occurence in the creatively talented. 好意思国西北大学(Northwestern University)的一项新磋磨标明,过滤不干系感官信息才气的缺失可能与创造力密切干系。
The study cites creative geniuses such as Charles Darwin, Anton Chekhov and novelist Marcel Proust, who notoriously wore ear-stoppers and lined his bedroom with cork to block out noise whilst he worked. 磋磨列举了生物学家查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)和俄罗斯演义家契科夫(Anton Chekhov)等创造型天才的例子,还有责任时一直带着耳塞、用软木堵住卧室拒绝外界杂音并因此驰名的法国文体家马塞尔·普鲁斯特(Marcel Proust)。
Lead author of the study Darya Zabelina said: "The propensity to filter out 'irrelevant' sensory information....happens early and involuntarily in brain processing and may help people integrate ideas that are outside the focus of attention, leading to creativity in the real world." 该磋磨编缉达里娅·扎比琳娜(Darya L. Zabelina)称:“在大脑处理信息之初,过滤不干系感官信息的倾向会自动产生……这约略不错匡助东说念主们整合那些我方柔和点以外的思法,网网网网色婷婷结束执行寰宇的创造力。”
The study analysed 100 participants who were asked to provide as many answers as they could to several unlikely scenarios within a limited amount of time. Participants were then asked to take a "Creative Achievement Questionnaire" where they reported their creative achievements across 10 verticals, including: visual arts, creative writing, scientific discovery and culinary arts. 磋磨东说念主员对100名参与者进行了分析。参与者要在有限时期内对一些不寻常的设定状况提倡尽可能多的贬责决议。随后,磋磨东说念主员条目参与者填写“创造性成立量表”(Creative Achievement Questionnaire),包括视觉艺术、创造性写稿、科学发现、烹调技艺等10个鸿沟的创造性成立。
Their answers revealed a strong link between those with the most creative answers and achievements and those sensitive to background noise whilst working. 磋磨标明,那些谜底最具立异性、创造性成立最多的参与者,在测试时对外界杂音的响应也最为敏锐。
Vocabulary munch:大嚼 solace:慰藉 filter out:过滤 notoriously:臭名彰着地 propensity:倾向
(译者:清欢君 剪辑:侯玮萍)男同 做爱